
Andres Z.

Admissions Fellow at Brandeis University

Class of 2026

Hometown: Bethesda, MD

Major: International and Global Studies

Secondary Major: Political Science

Minor: Hispanic Studies

I chose Brandeis because...

The community really pushes everyone to be a better person! Everyone has multiple interests and supports each other with all of their passions.

My most memorable Brandeis experience?

Spring fest 2023 was amazing, it was really fun to interact with the community and go to concert on campus.

My favorite Brandeis class/professor is...

Marx and Nietzsche with Professor Yack

My favorite activity outside of class is...

Playing Quadball (my club sport) and traveling all across the country to play sports with my friends.

I'm passionate about...

Sports Politics International Relations Social Justice Philosophy Fantasy Football

I'm involved with...

Quadball Cohen Center for Jewish Studies Fellow Mountain Club
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