Admissions Fellow at Brandeis University
Class of 2024
Hometown: Houston, TX
Major: Comparative Literature and Culture, Hispanic Studies
Secondary Major: European Cultural Studies
Minor: Legal Studies
My most memorable Brandeis Experience was Orientation 2021. I am an Orientation Leader and being able to meet so many new people who love Brandeis as much as I do and helping acclimate our first-year class were incredible meaningful.
at Brandeis, you can be literally anyone you want to be, try new things, and learn about yourself with a community that will never judge you or bring you down. Brandeis students are "academic and kind," and as an incoming first-year, that is what mattered.
Professor Steve Dowden. He is my advisor for my majors and I have taken a ton of classes with him, my favorite being Cult Books (books with small cult-like followings, not about cults)
Kindness Day! I love Kindness Day because it really shows the essence of who we are as a community. All of the clubs get together to promote community, the entire campus is decorated, and we get to show our fellow Brandesians (whether it be staff, students, or faculty) how much we appreciate each other! <3